Golden Frog's



What we do

Having worked across a huge range of sectors we are honoured to advise our clients at the highest level on their strategy. By engaging with us at a strategic level companies are able to use our experience to develop their marketing plans and decide which tools to use. They can then use our expertise for delivery.


‘Prepare to plan and prepare to fail’! Too often companies have a reactive approach to their marketing and PR, only taking action when absolutely necessary. This can mean their teams are spending far too long on individual projects without looking at the bigger picture. Detailed planning also makes budgets easier to manage.

Tools we may consider as part of a marketing strategy:

  • Social Media
  • Bespoke Campaigns
  • Consultancy
  • Google Ads
  • Landing Page Creation
  • Advertising
  • PayPerClick (PPC)
  • Website Development
  • Digital PR
  • SEO
  • Email Campaigns
  • Copywriting
  • Content Creation
  • E-Marketing
  • Videography
  • Blog Writing
  • Google Analytics
  • Photography

By working with our clients to create plans that cover sometimes multiple years of business development, we help them to make the best use of time and resources.


Reporting is one of the most important parts of any marketing strategy. We use a combination of reporting tools, including Google Analytics, Google Ad reporting, SEM Rush, Social Media analytics, Hootsuite, website statistics and mailshot results to provide a clear picture for clients of what their websites are doing and how effective their campaigns have been. Providing detailed reporting along the way allows clients to see a real-time return on investment.