Today, we see copywriting in many different forms, whether it’s writing for websites or social media copy. There’s no one-size-fits-all; we have different formats, audiences and jargon to deal with. So, why should you work with a professional?
Translating the jargon
Nobody understands your product like you do – which means you understand the jargon that comes with it. The cardinal sin that many companies commit is failing to speak to the masses. It’s a common misconception that using complicated words and phrases will sell – rather, it has the opposite effect.
Professional copywriters will take the time to understand your product and communicate it in layman’s terms. Perhaps David Trott says it best – simple works. Complicated doesn’t.
Understanding customer needs
If jargon is the #1 sin, misunderstanding the customer is a close second. Many brands talk of providing “solutions”, but fail to see this from the customer’s point of view. Rather than waxing lyrical about the wonders of your product, wondrous though it is, copywriters communicate how you can solve problems.
It all starts with a pronoun. It’s a common mistake to write “we” while discussing your product or service. Rather, copywriters turn this around and speak to the listener. They anticipate the reader’s problems and present the benefits, not the features.
Putting in the research
Not only will a professional take time to research your product; they will also research your industry and the market to enhance your content. Copywriters can do more than promotional content alone. For example, you may hire a copywriter to help with a wider strategy – producing blog posts or social media content.
Often, blog posts will answer a reader’s questions and guide them to transact. This calls for extensive research to stand out from the rest – taking time that you may not have.
Working cross-platform
Great copy comes in many shapes and sizes. Far from ticking the boxes of formal, informal, business or pleasure, young or old, we also need to consider channels. A professional copywriter will know how to craft a compelling long-form piece.
But they will also know how to condense this copy for shorter mediums. For example, social media posts or Google Ads may have character limits. The key is not to erase the message. Conciseness doesn’t come easily.
Setting the standard
Spelling and grammar errors are part of life. But if you continue to produce “low-quality content”, you could risk violating Google’s quality guidelines. The search engine rewards well-researched, well-written content, so a professional can make all the difference.
Likewise, you could risk reputation damage if you consistently produce copy with errors. Don’t risk alienating search engines or users – hire a professional!
If you’re looking for professional copywriting help, contact Golden Frog today.